The association
safelife is a non-profit Association ruled by the French Law (1901).
The Association is engaged in the promotion of safer daily goods for health and environment.
Founded in 2008, the Association facilitates discussions among economic actors, civil society’s representatives and experts to better take into account health issues in society and sectors.
The safelife association promotes an application of the prevention principle on substances used in daily goods
The safelife Association has three main missions :
1. To impulse change within industries...
… by supporting stakeholders to switch their production to safer products for health and ecosystems. The safelife® standards offer formulation guides that guaranteed the consumer’s safety need. These standards are based on the prevention principle and evolve over time according the state-of-the-art scientific evidences. The safelife Association also pays a specific attention to the development of alternative solutions to existing ingredients or materials which may be safer and as performant.
2. To uphold citizen-consumers' interest
Thanks to the safelife® label, citizen-consumers can identify products or services that are safe for their health and the environment.
The safelife association upholds industries’ common positions on daily goods’ challenges regarding safety and essential public responsibility toward institutional interlocutors: research, technical institutes, public agencies, ministries, etc.
3. To raise awareness on health hazards
The last mission of the safelife Association consists of informing daily products’ stakeholders (consumers, distributors, processors and producers) about risks identified by renowned scientific actors (doctors, biologists, toxicologists, epidemiologists, etc.).
The Scientific Committee of the Association is led by the experts of the Réseau Environnement Santé whose vocation is to raise citizens ‘awareness about risks related to endocrine disruptors.
Its mission is limited to stimulate the sense of responsibility of producers to make safer goods.
By offering manufacturers to comply with the standards that it initiates and develops with them, it does not incur liability and does not guarantee performance.
The safelife Association gathers daily goods’ stakeholders: producers, distributors, processors, scientific experts, civil society’s representatives, consumers and national or supra-national public institutions.
The Association is administered by a General Assembly and an Executive Board.
A labeling committee is also designed and piloted in the same way by the Executive Board. Its mission is to handle the activity related to the safelife® label.
The Association is ruled by an ethical charter (download in French).
The technical and scientific expertise of the Safelife Association is led by a Scientific Committee headed by experts renewed by the French or International scientific community specialized on health and environment.
The Scientific Committee’s missions are to expertise, initiate, advice and develop safelife standards, particularly exclusion lists.
To date, the Scientific Committee is led by the Réseau Environnement Santé who’s the president is the French whisltblower André Cicolella.
The Association accepts as a member any citizen or representative of a community or a company that adheres to the values and the Ethical Charter of the Safelife Association.
Each candidacy is examined by the Executive Board.
If the candidacy is approved by the Executive Board, the candidate is definitively accepted as the membership once contributions are paid.
Producers who have joined the safelife Association can apply for labelling safelife® some of their products. To be labeled safelife®, products must comply with the safelife® standard corresponding to their sector.
To request your membership, do not hesitate to contact the safelife Association at the following address : contact@safe-life.org

From a family tradition of master soap makers, expert in vegetal oils’ transformation since 1828, Rampal Latour embodies the tradition of a constantly updated knowledge in hygiene and skincare. Resolutely oriented towards innovation, Rampal Latour offers safe product consistent with their conviction that skin’s protection responds to our fundamental safety need.Because taking care of the skin means taking care of life, Rampal Latour is involved with safelife® with its range for mum and children.
Born in 2014, Naturopera is a young group whose goal is to create healthy, effective, ecological and accessible products. Its products are distributed under 6 brands from baby care and diapers to household products. They comply with ecological and biological standards. Naturopera’s philosophy is driven by preserving people and planet’s health for today and tomorrow. To pursue its commitment, Naturopéra has decided to formulate products labelled safelife under two brands : SAFE ZERO in household products and Carryboo in baby care